måndag 17 mars 2008

Svårtolkad oljemarknad

Idag hölls konferensen "IAE Expert Roundtable on Oil Price Formation". Experterna gav en splittrad bild av vad orsakerna till prissvängningarna på oljemarknaden beror på.
Man är dock överens om utvecklingen framöver:

The International Energy Agency, an adviser to 27 industrialized nations, expects worldwide demand for oil products to increase an average 1.9 percent annually until 2012, driven mainly by expansion in Asia and the Middle East. Oil prices are likely to continue rising, as easily accessible resources become depleted, Simon Radcliffe, chairman of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil in South Africa.
"An oil crisis is highly likely within the next few years," he said. "There are currently no scalable alternatives in the short to medium term."

/Trendspaning X